Austin & Lindsey Adamec has released “As For Me & My House” through Integrity Music and the song is now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “As For Me & My House” is a live recording of a great new song.
“We had no clue that when we wrote this and recorded it on February 9th, with a house full of people, that we were about to go into this coronavirus season. We had no clue we would be in a place where we are forced to stay home and really look at the things in our lives that are necessities. When we wrote this song, it was always on our hearts that this would be an anthem for each and every home, that we would get serious about our first ministry and take it back. We would open every room in our heart and every room in our home to the Holy Spirit and be truly a people marked by His presence.
The bridge of this song says “This is a house where idols fall, this is a house where dead men walk, this Is a house where freedom calls, can you hear it now, can you hear it now” and we hope your houses will resound that fact that He’s a miracle working God; He’s faithful until the end. He’s faithful to finish the good work He’s started in your life.”
ABOUT AUSTIN & LINDSEY: Austin and Lindsey Adamec are a Jacksonville, Florida-based husband and wife team who share a passion for gathering people of all walks of life and creating a safe space for intimate worship.
After living in Nashville, TN for several years, pursuing individual artist careers, they felt God calling them back to Florida, to work together as worship pastors at Christ’s Church, Jacksonville. After their move they saw this new season of ministry expand beyond the church walls, into maximum security prison campuses and public pavilions where there were many attempts to shut down their worship by religious protestors. It was in those moments they felt God showing them how there is no space He won’t invade.
“With this revelation, we questioned ourselves: what if our cherished house hangs turned into a sanctuary for the presence of Jesus? What if church wasn’t just on a Sunday but any moment someone walked through our front door?”
In late 2018, Austin and Lindsey opened up their home for monthly gatherings, inviting people from across their community to come break bread and worship together. These gatherings have been a life source for many people across the greater Jacksonville area, growing beyond expectations, bringing with it, a stronger sense of community and belonging, and a greater passion for the presence of God.
These meetings have sparked a new sound for Austin and Lindsey. The first single, captured live at one of the house gatherings, “As For Me and My House” is set to release May 15th with Integrity Music.
The song is loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The song is full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out this great new song, hear it in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
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