Brian Doerksen has released “Grateful” through Shining Rose Songs and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Grateful” is a recording of some great new songs.
“The last song I wrote before the darkness closed in and I lost my words was titled ‘Will You Love Me In The Winter?’ It was my finishing flash of inspiration for the Level Ground project in 2010 and then the songs stopped. Disorientation set in. Listening to that song later I realized that I knew what was coming, yet even so, I wasn’t ready. (Who signs up and is ready for a season of suffering?) Even though I didn’t feel ready, God, like a good shepherd was preparing the way ahead of me. That doesn’t mean I felt his presence because for the most part I didn’t, yet somehow, I made it. (My ‘Grateful List’ names the primary people who helped me make it.)
I’m on the other side of that long hard winter now but still, I don’t understand why this season happened and I don’t have any clarity why the winter had to be so long. I don’t have answers. But I do have one thing.
I remember the day when I told my wife Joyce that I was even able to thank God for someone at the centre of the conflict that helped trigger this relational winter – because it was this pain that drove me to seek the ancient paths and to sing the ancient words from the Psalms including the Psalms of lament. Lament is one of the biblical doorways to joy and emotionally healthy spirituality. In the end, everything belongs – even the hard circumstances and the winters in our lives. This is how we become fruitful and how we grow in our ability to relate to others in their suffering.
Today I’m thankful for so many things. The wonder-filled world where we live and the millions of miracles that sustain us every minute. The people that love us and stick with us. The people that hurt us and help us grow in character. The gift of music and all the arts that help us see and feel. The ancient words that help us pray when we lose our words. I hope this album helps and encourages you on your journey through the springtimes of rebirth and the winters that will eventually follow.” – Gratefully, Brian Doerksen
All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
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