Housefires has released “Housefires III” through Housefires and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Housefires III” is a live recording of some great new songs.
HOUSEFIRES, a group of musicians from Atlanta, GA who pursue authentic worship of God, release their third full-length album, HOUSEFIRES III, August 12 through The Fuel Music. The album perpetuates the organic root and sound of the unique Grace Midtown church worship community that consists of almost 50 house churches—small gatherings of regular people who meet in individual homes—in and around metropolitan Atlanta.
Grace Midtown formed as a couple hundred people came together in the heart of downtown Atlanta in 2009 to establish a next generation-kind of church that hearkened back to something ancient, New Testament even. HOUSEFIRES organically formed out of this movement in 2014 and is perhaps best-known for their song from HOUSEFIRES II, “Good, Good Father,” a modern classic anthem popularized by Chris Tomlin that has spread like wildfire worldwide.
“We felt like God wanted a fresh expression of church,” Grace Midtown pastor Matt Reynolds says of the journey. “Something that required faith and risk in partnership with God… Something so simple you could tell that God was in it or not—no lights, smoke or lasers to hide what wasn’t there.”
“People are skeptical of the organized church,” continues Reynolds, “but people really want to connect with God, a community, and to be part of something Spirit-led.”
Theologically astute, lyrically refined, intimate and joyful, HOUSEFIRES III reflects the near-intangible warmth of live worship unencumbered by any agenda other than to create space for the Spirit of God to move.
“It’s less about our songs and more about what God has been speaking to us as a community, as a whole,” says HOUSEFIRES’ Tony Brown, who co-wrote “Good, Good Father” with Grace Midtown worship pastor and HOUSFIRES worship leader Pat Barrett. “It has to be more deconstructed, a lot more raw, and a lot more Spirit led.”
“Naturally, we tend to write about God and the worship of God in ways that are applicable to normal life,” adds Kirby Kaple, who serves as worship leader, songwriter and graphic designer for Grace Midtown. “It’s not too spiritualized, not hard to understand. In some aspects, the way you’d have a normal conversation sitting across the table or in a living room.” All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
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