Check out Justin Law’s “Wait For The Dawn” through The Law Collective and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Wait For The Dawn” is a recording of some great songs.
Remarks from Justin Law about “Wait For The Dawn”
This album, even today and years later, signifies trusting God’s timing as dreams and desires change, as well as God’s provision to do the things He places in our hearts.
In the years leading up to this album, I had experienced the delay and loss of many of my hopes and dreams. In the five years prior to the recording of Wait for the Dawn, the church I loved folded, the worship band I helped start ended (along with a couple close friendships with bandmates), my relationship at the time turned into a broken engagement, my first rock band that played in local clubs fell apart, and I was injured pretty seriously when I was hit by a car when walking through a crosswalk.
The next season was one of joining a new church (the Vineyard church I have been at to this day and now help pastor) and learning how to be a worship leader and pastor with a servant’s heart. It seemed my desire to create music outside of the church was met only with closed doors and silence. Eventually, I came to see and embrace that God was placing my new church body in front of me to love and to lead. I turned my focus to building worship teams and my own skills. I began to write a few worship songs for use in my local church. Years into to that journey, I started to sense there might be grace and an invitation from God to record the worship songs I’d written, and my lead pastor at the time suggested I try pushing on a few doors to see if one opened.
So that’s what I did. I made a few calls and sent a few emails. A dear worship leader friend of mine from Kansas City, Steve Jones, offered to help line up the people I’d need to make a worship album happen, and that was the beginning of Wait for the Dawn. We recorded it in Kansas City, with gear, a producer, and a place that Steve coordinated for me. The producer (Jeremiah Toole) and I played all the guitars, he did the bass, and my dear friend Brandon McCoy came in to play drums. It also turned out that my Swedish friend Marie Bergling was visiting Kansas City during recording, so she sang all the harmonies wonderfully. In many ways, this was the first outward expression of what became The Law Collective. It was a wonderful time of collaborating with my friends and being supported by them to make music. Every song on Wait for the Dawn was used in congregational worship at my home church, River Heights Vineyard. A few of the songs went beyond our church, most notably Alpha Omega and Flood & Flame (which later appeared on a Vineyard Worship album). To this day, our worship leaders at River Heights Vineyard still lead some of these songs.
All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
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