Darlene Zschech, William McDowell has released “Way Maker” through Integrity Music and the song is now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Way Maker” is a recording of a great new song.
We’ve been singing it, we’ve heard it in different versions, but the best kept secret about the song, Way Maker, is that it was born in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The father has given Jesus the nations as his inheritance, and this is never more powerfully demonstrated than when every tribe and language gathers before him in worship. This version of Way Maker, written by Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu, features worship leader and the pastor of Deeper Fellowship Church, William McDowell and Darlene Zschech, who is the pastor of HopeUC, Australia. The timeless vocal of Darlene along with exhortations from William about what God is doing in the nations will hopefully leave you inspired and in awe of the Miracle Worker. The hope with the REVERE version of Way Maker is to gently help steer the church away from a production culture where the emphasis can, mistakenly, become a love for worship, to a reverential culture where the focus is, clearly and firmly, a love for Christ.
A generation ago, Christianity went through a massive shift. The formality of corporate worship gave way to ‘intimacy’, and we were forever changed. The ongoing work of the Spirit released us into a ‘a spiritual intensity’, but our ultimate longing has always been a weighty encounter in the presence of God that is less about our contribution and more about our surrender. Integrity Music’s REVERE is a musical journey from intimacy to intensity into the fear of the Lord, where we fall down and cry out: “Holy, holy, holy are you Lord Almighty.”
Marshall McLuhan, the father of modern day communications, famously said: ‘The medium is the message.’
Throughout history, the medium of our worship has communicated what we truly believe about God. Whenever we have been in seasons of faith and healthy dependence, the medium has been reverential songs and liturgies that are soaked in honesty and humility, the Psalms being a case in point. Whenever we have taken our eyes off the mark, we have replaced these with idols that we have been able to make with our own hands, substituting vulnerability with human ingenuity. If we are to be honest, we are facing this internal tug of war in the church today. God forbid that our skills to produce and finesse cause us to move away from the simplicity and mystery of full surrender.
Our hope with REVERE is to gently help steer the church away from a production culture where the emphasis can, mistakenly, become a love for worship, to a reverential culture where the focus is, clearly and firmly, a love for Christ.
This is in keeping with our company’s vision to help people experience the manifest presence of God, oftentimes described, in the bible, as ‘the glory’, the weight, substance and gravitas of The Eternal.
The song is loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The song is full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out this great new song, hear it in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
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