Luke + Anna Hellebronth has released “Motions Of Mercy” through Integrity Music and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Motions Of Mercy” is a recording of some great new songs.
Produced by Jimmy James, Motions Of Mercy includes songs penned by the Hellebronths with guest writers including Matt Maher, Nick Herbert, Josh Gauton, Ben Cantelon, Brenton Brown, Eby Corydon (LIFE Worship), Jonas Myrin and St. Luke’s Gas Street lead pastor, Tim Hughes.
The project is woven around themes of God’s mercy, grace and salvation and “the great depth and cost of the love of God,” says Luke Hellebronth, writer of “Spirit Break Out.” Anna continues, “Songs such as ‘All for Love (Gethsemane),’ a picture of Christ’s sacrifice, and ‘Arrow,’ inspired by the writings of 14th century theologian Nicholas Kabasilas (‘The Life In Christ’), continue to explore the topic.”
“We are overwhelmed and yet deeply affronted by the love of God,” explains Anna. “It bears truth, which can pierce our hearts, while giving us freedom. God’s love challenges every fibre of our ‘humanness’… it leave its mark.”
Luke adds that the project takes its title from lyrics of new song “See Me Through” as a direct acknowledgement that “God’s mercy is the thread running through the highs and lows of all we encounter.”
Alongside these concepts is what the Hellebronths call “a prophetic cry of holy dissatisfaction” found in songs “Revive Us (Heavy Rain)” and “Kingdom of God.”
“Our cry and our prayer is that the Holy Spirit would revive and awaken us again to the call of God that He is partnering with us to bring His Kingdom here on earth, His majesty and reign of love,” explains Luke. “There are always new depths to discover… never stop looking and never let your passion for Jesus be secondary. Keep stoking the fire,” the Hellebronths add.
All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
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