Matt Redman has released “Let There Be Wonder” through Integrity Music and the songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Let There Be Wonder” is a live recording of some great new songs.
While preparing for this 12-song collection, all of the songs united into one principal topic: Jesus. Redman shares, “One theme that shone through so strongly on this record was the name and character and story of Jesus. I think there’s a need in our society and in church to absolutely name Him, to not just speak generically about who God is but to put a name on Him and to declare it and to say it – to sing the name of Jesus.”
Starting off with more than 50 songs, along with album producers Jacob Sooter and Joshua Silverberg Redman dauntingly narrowed it down to the featured dozen. Writing all of the songs, he also collaborated with key writers and friends such as Sooter and Silverberg, Phil Wickham, Hillsong’s Joel Houston, Jason Ingram, Pat Barrett, Corey Voss, Andi Rozier (Vertical Church Band), Jon Guerra, and Brandon Lake, who also appears on the project along with Evan Craft.
Recorded in front of more than 1,000 people at Free Chapel in Orange County, California, “Let There Be Wonder encapsulates a lot of what has been in my heart when it comes to worship in these last few years,” he continues. “Worship songs will never be able to paint the full picture of God’s glory, but it’s so important that we aim high and give our best effort to conveying Him as fully as we can. When we do this, it’s much more honouring to God, and it’s much more helpful for us. My hope and prayer for this new record is that we’d find ourselves caught up in the life-giving worship of the true and living God. Let there be wonder!”
The songs are now loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play them the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
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