IHOP/Forerunner Music album “Fully Alive” on WorshipTeam

IHOP / Forerunner Music has released “Fully Alive” through Forerunner Music and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Fully Alive” is a recording of some great new songs.

Fully Alive was born out of the collaborative efforts of the night-and-day IHOPKC community of worship leaders, musicians, singers and songwriters who gathered together earlier this year as part of a series of Forerunner songwriting camps to create this Forerunner Music worship experience. The 15-track recording, which features acclaimed Forerunner Music artists and worship leaders Jonas and Laura (Hackett) Park, Jaye Thomas, Jon Thurlow and more, is intended to provide a colorful new glimpse into what God has been doing at the International House of Prayer, Kansas City. In this creative venture, every song was written and recorded in an atmosphere of prayer resulting in an extension and expression of hearts coming together to magnify Jesus.

Produced by Jonas Park and David Bollman, the album features the song “Fingerprints,” co-written and sung by Abi Bennett, which served as the inspiration for the title of the album. The chorus boldly states:

You gave Your life now I am fully alive
You spoke Your truth and tore down all my walls
My life has the fingerprints of Christ – Be magnified through me

The song “Grateful Love,” sung by Jonas Park and featuring Laura Hackett Park, is also highlighted on the album and talks about the believer’s gratitude for God’s love, saying, “Grateful love is my unending song, I’ll pour out all my love here at your feet.”

“The concept behind Fully Alive,” says Jonas Park, “was to capture the atmosphere of prayer we experienced as we came together during our songwriting camps. From writing to production, our collective heart was to bless God by creating together as a family. Something powerful happens when His people come together to worship.”

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.

Corey Voss & Madison Street Worship/Integrity Music album “Songs Of The House” on WorshipTeam

Corey Voss & Madison Street Worship has released “Songs Of The House” through Integrity Music and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Songs Of The House” is a live recording of some great new songs.

Worship pastor Corey Voss, the writer behind “I Got Saved” and “Praise The King” and voice behind the popular “God Who Moves The Mountains,” introduces his church creative team, Madison Street Worship, with the appropriately titled Songs Of The House

Songs Of The House delivers just that: new worship songs that reflect the revival happening at Gateway Shelbyville, a multi-generational, multi-cultural Tennessee congregation situated on the small town’s main thoroughfare of Madison Street. Combining themes of belonging, family, healing and freedom in Christ, Songs Of The House follows Songs Of Heaven & Earth.

For the 10-track Songs Of The House, listeners will hear not only Voss and team, but the congregation singing along as well with raw energy and joy. Perhaps it is because these are their songs birthed from and for the local church. It is a natural outflow of the songwriting culture developed by Voss and Gateway’s pastor, Jason Daughdrill.

In every track, listeners will hear a church reawakened and on fire. Only seven years ago, Gateway Shelbyville was struggling along with less than 60 people when Daughdrill stepped in as pastor. Shortly after, Voss joined the church and soon others began finding their way to what has become a booming community of over 1,000 members in rural, middle Tennessee.

“We feel like a family with God gathering us all together, from all over” says Daughdrill. “It’s humbling to see the grace of God carrying us through and raising up a movement of worshipers.”

Agreeing, Voss adds: “Humbling and beautiful… to watch Him carrying us through hard seasons, into growth and revival. And all of that has been written into these songs.”

“The local church is where songs should start,” says Voss. “Doing life together, knowing one another. Our filters are, ‘what do our people need to sing?’ and ‘what is going to lift them up and help them encounter God?’. Our prayer is that others will connect to them as well.”

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.

Planetboom/Venture 3 Media album “Jesus Over Everything” on WorshipTeam

Planetboom has released “Jesus Over Everything” through Venture 3 Media and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Jesus Over Everything” is a live/studio recording of some great new songs.

The new, 11-track album features all five singles released over the last year, including Hebrews 4:15-16 inspired “Run To You” that addresses the proper response to God after “messing up,” Revelation 4-inspired “LEMME TELLYA” that encourages listeners to declare the greatness of Jesus, declarative “Praise Over Problems” and encouraging “New Levels.” The album also includes the title track, “Jesus Over Everything,” which encourages young people to choose Jesus over pressures, temptations – literally everything.

Delving into the rich themes that these songs relay, as well as into the new song, “I Belong,” Planetshakers youth pastor, songwriter and drummer Andy Harrison shares his experiences and scriptural insight in the album’s companion Jesus Over Everything book and audiobook. Especially created for young people and anyone seeking to enrich their faith journey, the book reveals to readers how they belong, have purpose, are covered by grace and are deeply loved by their Creator who is worthy of all their praise and to be put “first” in their lives.

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.


Lincoln Brewster/Integrity Music album “God Of The Impossible” on WorshipTeam

Lincoln Brewster has released “God Of The Impossible” through Integrity Music and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “God Of The Impossible” is a recording of some great new songs.

Brewster, a senior pastor for the multi-campus Bayside Church near Sacramento, California, says the album is a reminder that “God is always working behind the scenes.” It is a theme that echoes throughout his journey, from a childhood overshadowed by abuse, to a life filled with forgiveness and a ministry that has impacted believers around the world.

“The more of life I see, the more I need to remember that He really is the ‘God of the Impossible’,” explains Brewster, a guitar virtuoso who has been playing since age nine. “He is our Father who holds every circumstance, He is in complete control and nothing can separate us from His love.”

“Throughout the years, there have been times when I looked at situations and thought, ‘that’s not possible’,” he adds. “But, in God’s way and in His timing, He’s made it happen. Hopefully, these songs are reminders that our Father is the God of Ephesians 3:20.”


All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

 blessings Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.


Gateway Kids Worship/Gateway Music album “Believe It” on WorshipTeam

Gateway Kids Worship has released “Believe It” through Gateway Music and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Believe It” is a recording of some great new songs.

No matter the distance or darkness; we will stand on God’s promise and purpose. God’s love goes on and on and is never ending. It’s time to Believe It!
Believe It, the newest release from Gateway Kids Worship, includes songs that will have the whole family singing and dancing. Believe It features vocalists from Gateway Kids Worship from all six Gateway Church campuses. With five new songs and two re-imagined songs from GATEWAY’s Monuments album, it’s sure to be a new favorite for the family.

A part of GATEWAY, Gateway Kids Worship is the worship expression of the children’s ministry of Gateway Church, Gateway Kids. Their teams lead worship every weekend across multiple campuses in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area for thousands of children every week.

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.

Meredith Andrews/Curb | Word album “Faith And Wonder” on WorshipTeam

Meredith Andrews has released “Faith And Wonder” through Curb | Word and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Faith And Wonder” is a recording of some great new songs.

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.

Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland album “Legacy- Live From Ireland ” on WorshipTeam

Vineyard Worship has released “Legacy- Live From Ireland” through Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Legacy- Live From Ireland” is a live recording of some great new songs.

Legacy – Live From Ireland is a powerful new live EP from Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland that was captured at the inaugural gathering of Irish Vineyard church leaders in Lisburn in October 2018.
Including home-grown songs from Harmony Smith (Belfast City Vineyard) and James & Hannah Toal (Lagan Valley Vineyard), this EP is marked by a passionate cry from an island desperate to see the Kingdom of God come in power upon their villages, towns and cities.

These songs were birthed in the local church, where worship leaders have immersed themselves in leading their communities into intimate worship. As these songs gathered pace, they resonated with the Vineyard around Ireland and now it’s time to share them with the wider church.
Twenty-five years after the first Vineyard church was planted on the island, Legacy – Live From Ireland celebrates all that has gone before and births a new level of expectancy for all that God has in store next.

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.

Hillsong United album “As You Find Me” on WorshipTeam

Hillsong United has released “As You Find Me” through Hillsong Music Australia and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “As You Find Me” is a live recording of some great new songs.

God chooses to use people who are broken, who haven’t got it all together and who have no right to be there. God uses everyday, ordinary people on the journey. As You Find Me, recorded live in Sydney, Australia, is a song that speaks of the paradox of God’s redemptive and welcoming nature who loves us as He finds us, and yet whose love is too good to leave us there.

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.

Sarah Elmer/Vineyard Worship single “Be Still” on WorshipTeam

Sarah Elmer has released “Be Still” through Vineyard Worship and the song is now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Be Still” is a recording of a great new song.

The latest monthly single is “Be Still”, penned by Jason Phillips from Raleigh, NC, is a song of hope in the presence of God in the midst of trials.

Birthed out of a season of suffering and tragic loss in Phillips’ church body, “Be Still” is an intimate cry of the broken-hearted, in the face of pain and loss, that we can be assured that God is with us.

“The God of the universe somehow, somewhere, and some way cares enough to sit with us, suffer and hurt with us. The awareness of this truth can bring to us a sense of unexplainable peace in the middle of the storms. That is the heart of this song.” – Jason Phillips

Recorded at Anchour Studio in Maine and led by Sarah Elmer (“Kyrie Eleison”).

The song is loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The song is full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out this great new song, hear it in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.

United Pursuit Records album “Garden (Live)” on WorshipTeam

Various Artists has released “Garden (Live)” through United Pursuit Records and all songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “Garden (Live)” is a live recording of some great new songs.

Origin Story from United Pursuit

Recorded between 2013 – 2015, Garden (Live) is a 12-song album featuring original early recordings of the songs from Garden, our 5th studio album.

These tracks were written during our live worship gatherings in Knoxville over the course of three years as we gathered weekly to worship as a community. They are the early, not-quite-complete versions, the spontaneous origins, of the Garden songs.

Many of you have requested that we release both the live and raw alongside the studio versions. The material feels relevant and meaningful to us so we went for it.

These songs don’t exist because we decided to sit down and write them but only because our community floundered collectively until we had words that made sense for the moment. These songs are prayers, they are reminders, they are intercession for ourselves and for each other. A huge thank you goes to everyone who showed up, participated and contributed their voice. These songs are for you, they are for our families, they are for those moments when we need to remember a little bit of deep truth. Our gratitude, respect and love is with each of you.

All songs are loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.

The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.

Cody Gentes

p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.