Mitch Wong has released “A Beautiful Ending, A Blessed Beginning” and the songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “A Beautiful Ending, A Blessed Beginning” is a recording of some great new songs.
“This album has been in my heart for a few years now. It started one sleepless night when I felt the Lord download most of the songs into my heart… melodies, lyrics and concepts that were all somehow connected. The missing piece came around a month later when I woke up at 2am with the chorus for “To Be With The Lord”. I knew straight away that I needed to finish it and send it to my dear friend Steffany whose dad had just graduated into Heaven. The title of the album comes from that chorus: to be with the Lord, what a beautiful ending, what a blessed beginning. And I have found that to be so true… in more ways than one.
We have this glorious hope in Jesus that when we pass from this world to the next, we will be with Him. It’s a beautiful ending of one chapter and a blessed beginning of another.
To be with Him on earth, even now, in not only the beautiful seasons, but also in the suffering, at the bitter rock bottoms, in our deepest disappointments… to be with Him THERE (because He is with us there) is also a beautiful ending and a blessed beginning. It’s the end of self-reliance, the end of loneliness, the end of selfish ambition, the end of sin, the end of hopelessness and the beginning of being made a new creation in Him.
So the first half of this album takes us on a journey of letting go, of surrender, of burial. And the second half leads us into multiplied faith, the commission, the blooming of the hope we have in Jesus.
My prayer is that the album wouldn’t just be a comfort but also a CHALLENGE to believers. We have a gospel worth singing about, worth living for, worth dying for, worth sharing like never before.” – Mitch Wong
The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play them the way you like it.
WorshipTeam Staff
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