Vineyard Kids has released “The Sound” and the songs are now loaded into WorshipTeam.com “The Sound” is a recording of some great new songs.
The Sound is a brand-new EP from Vineyard Kids! Three original songs plus a super fun remix, featuring Vineyard Kids own Katy Carnohan, and rapper, Luke Anderson, making a special guest appearance!
Energetic praise songs for kids with flavors of pop, hip-hop, EDM and country, The Sound is an echo of heaven’s words over this generation! We hear the sound of love, identity, and goodness
being sung over them and calling them to holiness. These songs empower kids to rise up and let the sound of love be louder than the dark voices in our world.
“Pour out Your power, pour out Your love. Miracles come true.
There’s nothing You can’t do! Nothing You can’t do!”
“Everything I have, so nothing shall I lack.
He made me to tell His story, Made us for His glory.”
May this sound mark this young generation’s heart with an unchained melody that goes beyond the ideas of this world and brings the kingdom rule and reign into every place they walk.
“I see a new age rising, He holds the keys
To everything He imagines and everything He dreams
I feel Your spirit with me, I love what You do
Thank You for Your kindness to me,
all the glory to You, Jesus all the glory to You.”
The songs are full featured with complete lyrics, chord charts and full length audio. Check out these great new songs, hear them in the original key, or choose your own key and play them the way you like it.
WorshipTeam Staff
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