Enhance your church’s worship experience this Christmas with a modern worship song specifically for this season. “I Will Remember” is a singable, inspiring, contemporary worship song that refocuses our attention on Christ as the object of our worship, and the direction of our praise in our celebrations and reflections during the Christmas season.
Check out Kim Anthony Gentes “I Will Remember” Christmas song on WorshipTeam.com
In 2005, we released this Christmas song as a single resource on an enhanced CD. It is a modern worship song styling of the ancient Christmas message of Jesus coming to earth from the celebration story of the gospel accounts. We recorded and produced an entire suite of resources for this modern worship song because we thought it would be best to equip churches by providing the most extensive musical resources. This meant, simply, that if someone was looking for a modern sounding worship song, that fit the Christmas theme, they could use this song with their local church music group, regardless of the musician and vocal resources they had available. If they had a choir and complete band, they could use this resource easily. If they had a small group with just one leader, all the components were here to help, regardless.
If you are like me, every time the Christmas season rolls around I am on the look out for fresh Christmas worship songs. It’s always nice to breathe some new life into our Christmas season song lists with fresh, new Christmas worship songs. “I Will Remember” is congregationally-friendly with a strong, memorable chorus (no pun intended). I’m sure “I Will Remember” will find a home in many churches this Christmas season…
…It is obvious that much consideration has gone into pulling together the component pieces of the “I Will Remember”. This is truly a worship leader’s resource created by a worship leader for worship leaders. Hopefully not the last of its kind!!
Review by Casey Corum
I Will Remember” has already received positive feedback from leaders around North America. Here is what others are saying:
“I’ll be singing your song next month (December) at our church. It fits in really well between traditional carols and I appreciate the vertical aspect. A beautiful song with excellent resources.” – Paul Baloche, songwriter, worship leader, recording artist
“There are very few sing-able contemporary worship songs for Christmas. I Will Remember is a breath of fresh air. Its soaring chorus is high on exultation. The words drive us to the meaning of Christmas and yet stay clear of dripping sentimentality. This is a song your church should be worshipping with this Christmas!” – Arlen Salte, founder/director New Creation Ministries & Breakforth Conferences
“Wow, I love it! Really…amazing voice….and great song. We need more Christmas songs like this that offer us a fresh lyrical approach in our expression of worship. I love the whole concept behind this offering.” – Julie Reid, executive editor, Worship Leader Magazine “I Will Remember” holds on to the richness of our history of celebrating Christ’s birth while giving fresh, contemporary language and sound in an offering that is clearly a God-ward worship song.
The song is loaded and ready to use- just access your WorshipTeam.com system database.
The song is full featured with complete lyrics, chord chart and sheet music and full length audio. Check out this great new song, hear it in the original key, or choose your own key and play it the way you like it.
Cody Gentes
p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there.